Monthly Archives: March 2024

Things to Consider on Your D-Day Normandy Tours

By | March 25, 2024

The Germans faced significant challenges in trying to stop the Normandy landings due to a combination of factors: Allied Deception: The Allies employed an extensive deception campaign, known as Operation Fortitude, to mislead the Germans about the location and timing of the invasion. This included creating fake military units, deploying dummy equipment, and spreading disinformation.… Read More »

Scam Alert! How to Avoid Travel Cons and Rip-offs

By | March 17, 2024

With dream destinations and new experiences to explore, scammers prey on tourists letdowns lessen travels. Spotting scam tactics early protects your finances and joy. The following tips may be of help to you in preventing scams when traveling alone.  Do Your Homework Research common scams online to spot red flags and trustworthy services. Apps listing… Read More »