Useful Tips to Pass USA Tourist Visa Interview

By | January 27, 2022

So, you’re thinking to visit United State through USA tourist visa program but getting worried about the interview? It’s in our nature that we start getting nervous at places we haven’t been before. Bearing this in mind, we are up with a list featuring some useful tips that may help you leave embassy officers quite impressed. Let’s find out how you can do it:


Try to Be There On Time

Coming late and excusing this and that won’t help you. So always try to reach there before time. Not only does it show that you’re punctual, but also helps you leave a great first impression.

Wear Proper Dress

The way you dress tells a lot about you and your behavior. If you dress up nicely, chances are that you may be successful in getting officer’s attention. Try to wear tie because Americans like formal attire. For women, it should be similar to something that doesn’t look weird.

Be Soft

You would need to be soft and kind throughout the entire interview. Arguing is always supposed to be bad. We ourselves dislike it when any of our child keeps on insisting and arguing for something. So, we highly recommend that you should be lenient by showing right etiquettes. That’s what you give them to judge your personality. So, work on it.

Be Confident

If you think you can’t even talk in front of anyone, you probably need to go and get training to boost your confidence and personality. Answer every question with great confidence. If you don’t know the answer, don’t make things complex by beating around the bush. This will help you pass torusit

How you take all these points? Please feel free to let us know your valuable feedbacks using the comment box given below.