Should I Go on A Birthday Trip? Things to Consider

By | February 9, 2022

Everyone’s got an itch for traveling these days—especially during special occasions like a birthday. A house party isn’t going to cut it anymore. Maybe you need an event space Singapore, a cruise across the Bahamas, or natural landscapes of Japan?

How about taking a solo trip across the country? Are you considering that too? It is no surprise that everything feels like a possibility these days, especially on such an existential day such as your birthday. If you’re second guessing your birthday trip plans, here are the top considerations in going on a birthday trip (and if you should plan a house birthday party instead)!


Image from Matt Popovich on Unsplash

  • Do you really like going on trips?

The most important question you have to answer if you’re planning a birthday trip! Is this something you want to do, something that is expected of you by social media or—worse—something your friends are forcing you to do with them?

While birthday trips are a lot of fun generally, they can be tiring. More often than not, these are not an overnight thing. They require careful planning especially if you’re on a budget. It’s easy to romanticize birthday trips as “soul searching” ventures, but the simple truth is that they can get messy; especially if the trip is across the world. Make sure you’re ready to take a leap of faith with your birthday trip—it should benefit you first and foremost!


Image from Averie Woodard on Unsplash

  • Who is coming with you on your birthday trip?

Expanding the point above, knowing who is coming with you on your birthday trip should also be a main concern. Many people find this as the right time to travel with old friends—as a means to reconnect. However, this can be a source of tension, as you don’t know these people well enough in the present day.

Take a trip with people you have survived through the good and bad days with. Birthday trips—whether across the country or international waters—will have its challenges. It’s important to celebrate your relationships by facing these challenges head on, and not by tearing you apart.


Image from Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

Another thing to consider: take a trip alone! There is nothing wrong with a solo trip, especially if you’re an introvert that likes moving at their own pace and time. There’s so much beauty to be experienced in the world, through your own lens and during silence. (A tip? Pull an “Eat. Pray. Love” trip if you’re down for an adventure!)

  • What type of trip are you going on—an adventure or a staycation?

Your birthday trip can go two ways: as a relaxing rest & relaxation trip or as an all-out adventure saga, without saying no to anything.

Both trips have their benefits; it’s up to you to decide which one fits you best!


Image from Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

 Staycation Birthday Trip

  • Live a life of luxury for a bit
  • Best time to rest and relax
  • Boost your confidence
  • Reminds you of how far you’ve come in life
  • No need to worry about anything else, your hotel has everything you need
  • Best for people who like staying in

 Adventure Birthday Trip

  • Challenges you beyond your comfort zone
  • Makes unforgettable memories
  • Best time to show the world what you’re made of
  • Reminds you that there is a lot more to life than your daily routine
  • Experience new food with new people
  • Best for extroverts and those young at heart—the world is your oyster!
  • When are you taking your trip? During your birthday itself?


Image from Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

For extroverts, taking a birthday trip may seem alluring. Why? It means exploring the world, seeing new sights, and meeting new people.

However, if you’re the type of extrovert who loves celebrating with friends and family, you might want to think twice about taking that birthday trip. Some people, while happy with their trips, can find it lonely, especially if you’re used to celebrating your birthday with a traditional party every year.

Yes, birthday trips are an escape from your day-to-day routine, but there’s also a case to be made on what you celebrate your birthday for. Yourself? Yes. For the relationships you’ve fostered in your life? Also a possible yes. There’s just no telling how you’ll feel on the day itself.

Of course, if you’ve got the budget, no need to worry because you can just get the best of both worlds.

  • Does your budget fit the trip you’re planning? Is planning a physical party more expensive?


Image from Christine Roy on Unsplash

However, if you do have a budget for your birthday, weigh your options. While you most certainly deserve an escape, you also deserve to keep some savings after celebrating your birthday. Should you be in the position where you’re choosing between one or another, ask yourself these questions:

  • How much does my plane ticket cost? How much does my event venue cost?
  • Will I be paying for everyone’s share of food and space? Or will I make it into a potluck affair?
  • Are there other trips/events I’m spending on this year? Like a big anniversary, a parent’s birthday party, etc.? Is now the time to go all out?
  • Is there any economical way I can have both a party and a trip? Maybe a smaller trip near my area?
  • Why are you going on this trip?

There is an obvious answer to this—well, it’s your birthday. However, given the nature of the festivities, it’s also important to know what you’re searching for on your special day. Have you reached a juncture in your life where routine is killing your creativity, your drive? Then a new environment—riddled with new people, food, and experiences—is definitely for you!

On the other hand, maybe you don’t want something different. Maybe you just want a quiet, familiar escape near your area. A big bonus of this is that you can bring your family and friends too, who will definitely want to spend your special day with you! If this sounds like a birthday celebration you want—where its sole purpose is to re energize—then take that birthday trip.


Image from Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

Is there any wrong reason to want a birthday trip? The answer varies. Sometimes, people want too much of an escape; they are running away from essential existential questions brought about on their birthday. Maybe your birthday should be a simple one; a day of reflection, not a day of hiding. Still, at the end of it all, only you can say how you want to celebrate your birthday.

Do you have an answer to your questions now? Once you’ve considered this checklist, you’ve definitely got a lot of party/trip planning ahead of you. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays—and hoping you find whatever experiences it is you look for on your special day!

Category: Trip

About Amanda Bynes

My name is Amanda. I am a travel blogger from the United States who loves to explore and write about my adventures! I have been fortunate enough to travel all over the world, and have seen so much of this beautiful planet that we live on. From hiking through a rainforest in Costa Rica or exploring a new city during one of my many trips abroad, there's nothing quite like seeing new places for the first time. I love writing about what it's like to be a woman traveling alone, as well as sharing stories from other female travelers around the world.