The 5 Best Spots For Biking Idaho

By | September 7, 2021

Idaho is in the northwestern part of the United States and is surrounded by Montana, Wyoming, Washington, and Oregon. Idaho also happens to be the fourteenth largest state in the USA and this state, which also forms part of the Pacific Northwest, is also a fantastic area for mountain bikers and road bicyclers to visit because of its landscape and trails.

Below, there is a list which references the five top destinations for anyone who is interesting in mountain biking and road bicycling.



This is the largest city of Bonner County, Idaho; however, it’s population is relatively small and sits at just over seven thousand people. Surrounded by national forests, this area has a countless number of roads and trails for hikers and mountain bikers. Sandpoint is home to places like Mineral Point Trail, which supplies both easy and difficult trails for any kind of mountain biker. Be sure to wear your helmet when going on the harder trails.


McCall is a resort town in Valley County, Idaho that is named after Tom McCall, the founder of the town. Nowadays, McCall is a year-round tourist community that has several attractions and sports for visitors. In the winter, for example, McCall is the go-to place for winter recreation and in the summer, it is turned to the ideal location for mountain bikers.

Tamarack Resort

This resort is known for being a year-long resort that is visited for various kinds of activities in both summer and winter. In winter, for example, it is used by downhill skiers for its extensive and intricate trails; however, it is ideal for mountain bikers in the summer. It is rather expensive to star overnight, though, because a three-star hotel costs around $229 per night.

Craters of the Moon Bike Loop

This trail is a loop that is over nine miles long and is very popular, which means road bicyclers are likely to run into each other when travelling this trail. It is, however, rather steep. Road bicyclers pedal for eight hundred and sixty-six feet before reaching the end of the trail and then they prepare for a steep descent to the base of the trail. It is not available year-round; however, it is used for other sportive activities when it isn’t utilized as a bike route. This can be a dangerous road biking trail, always wear your helmet! Click here for some recommendations, if you don’t have one yet.


Boise is famous for road cycling because of the many options available to bicyclers who visit. If bikers are comfortable with travelling slightly, the east of Boise is home to Greenbelt, which is home to  its own set of road bicycling trails. In Boise, though, are trails such as Floating Feather and Hill roads which expand for sixteen miles and reach an altitude of four thousand feet.

Idaho’s combination of beautiful views and its large number of mountain ranges is why it makes the list for the best places to go mountain biking and road bicycling. From Boise to McCall, there are trails for different sports, for different levels of difficulty, and for the different needs of bikers who visit. In Idaho, everyone is promised a good time.

Category: Transportation

About Juan Strauss

A travel blogger that loves to write about his adventures and share his favorite places. When he's not writing, you can find this blogger exploring new destinations and cultures around the world.