Easy Tips for a Fun-Filled Desert Safari in Dubai

By | September 3, 2022

Desert Safari in Dubai with BBQ dinner can be an experience of life time. The day trips to the dessert and Dune Bashing is enticing but can be a nightmare if you are careless. So, if you are planning to go on a dessert safari, you need to prepare for the worst. Following are a few tips to help you out!

dubai desert safari private

  • The trip lasts for 6 hours, it starts at 3.00 and will end at 10.00 pm
  • Don’t eat heavily before the Desert Safari in Dubai. It can be a bumpy ride and it may disturb your stomach. You may suffer from nausea, so don’t drink or eat anything
  • Bring your stuff, protect yourself from the sun. Wearing a hat or a pair of sunglasses (preferably both) will improve your Dune bashing experience, Don’t forget your camera at the resort!
  • Don’t leave behind your credit card and have some spare cash all the time. You may need some snacks or beverage at relaxation stop. The management won’t necessarily cover it
  • Wear Comfortable clothing! You want to look your best, we get it. But you are in for a ride and it will be a long haul, so wear something comfortable. Besides, you will be riding in middle of the dessert under hot sun, don’t overdress. Try a V-neck with short pants and pair them with sandals. Short tops are not acceptable for women here but they can find some lightweight linen clothes which will be comfortable and stylish
  • Temperature in the evening drops in dessert, be sure to bring a cardigan or jacket with you for the Desert Safari in Dubai
  • Listen to your guide before doing anything, especially riding a camel, this is not the same as riding a horse. If you have hip, knee or joint issues, bring some pain killers
Category: Tips and Tricks

About Juan Strauss

A travel blogger that loves to write about his adventures and share his favorite places. When he's not writing, you can find this blogger exploring new destinations and cultures around the world.