Important Things to Consider Before Car Rental

By | August 30, 2021

To make no mistake when renting a car, clarifying the main doubts may be the first step.

It is common to have questions before contacting a rental company and finally rent a car Menorca service, especially when the deal is first made or during travel. Thinking about it, we made a selection with the main issues to be relieved when it comes to renting a car. Know more!


  1. What are the requirements for renting a car?

Many car rental agencies require the contractor to be at least 21 years old (age considered for civil liability), but this may change according to the company or country where the service is contracted. Another common condition in car rental is that the contractor has a driver’s license for at least two years.

  1. How are the rates calculated and what are the main forms of payment?

When renting a vehicle, the user will pay for daily rates equivalent to the period in which he / she is with the car, and each day lasts 24 hours – that is, when picking up the cars at 10am, it must be returned at 10am on the day scheduled for the delivery.

The timetable may vary but not recommended, for example, pick up at noon and return at 2pm the next day – in these cases, the two overtime hours will be counted in the total amount. Regarding the payment methods, the credit card is the most common, since it also facilitates the approval of the registration.

  1. What is the difference between free mileage and controlled mileage?

In the free km, the renter can walk at ease with the rented vehicle, without worrying about paying more for each kilometer rotated, since this value is included in the total value of the daily rates.

In the controlled km, the price of the daily rates is not established, but counted in the return of the car, considering the total kilometers traveled during the rental of the vehicle.

Category: Transportation

About Juan Strauss

A travel blogger that loves to write about his adventures and share his favorite places. When he's not writing, you can find this blogger exploring new destinations and cultures around the world.