Top 2 Daring Travel Adventures in the World

By | August 18, 2021

Knowing about something weird is always an interesting thing to do. There’re people who are mad after exploring new things and always looking for adventurous places to calm down their instincts. Here, we will let you to know about some of the most daring travel adventures in the world. So, pick up any of them where you would like to go in your next holidays. You would really need to think twice before going there. So, be careful.

Oymyakon, Russia (The Coldest Place on Earth)

It’s a small rural town of Russia where the average temperature is -58 degree F. I know it would be difficult for you to imagine how cold it is. With the population of just 500, the Oymyakon is one of the coldest places on Earth where the ground remains frozen throughout the year. There’s only one hotel for visitors as only daring people can go there who don’t hesitate putting their life at risk. So, it’s a great place for those who love adventure and can do anything to lessen their urge.


Mount Chimborazo, Ecuador (The Highest Spot on Planet)

It’s an inactive volcano with the height of 20,000 feet and is one of the highest places on planet. Outer space isn’t that much far from this place and adventurers would love to visit it once in their life. Gives a great feeling and is the best place to experience the vastness of earth. Going there isn’t a child play as there’re lots of risks involved that could prevent you from going there. The peak is fully covered by the giant glaciers but climbers can find more routes going up there.


Should we have listed more? Please let us know about them as we love listening back from you.

Category: Adventure

About Juan Strauss

A travel blogger that loves to write about his adventures and share his favorite places. When he's not writing, you can find this blogger exploring new destinations and cultures around the world.